Join our NEW eCourse Healing School

In this series, Healing School, you will discover that it is God's will for you to be healed! Whether you've received a bad report from the doctor or just want to live life to its fullest, this teaching series is for you! Register below!

Course Curriculum

    1. How to Use This Course

    2. Ways to Connect with Encounter Today

    3. Welcome from Pastor Alan DiDio

    4. How to Get Into the Healing School Community

    5. How to Reply to a Discussion on a Video

    1. Unit One: Notes

    2. A Strong Man's Gospel

    3. Heritage of the Saints

    4. Study Questions: Chapter One

    1. Unit Two: Notes

    2. Why Am I Sick?

    3. The Image of God

    4. Study Questions: Chapter Two

    1. Unit Three: Notes

    2. Soul Prosperity

    3. To Be Sanctified

    4. Study Questions: Chapter Three

    1. Unit Four: Notes

    2. The Healing Anointing

    3. The Hiding Place of His Power

    4. Study Questions: Chapter Four

    1. Unit Five: Notes

    2. Does God Make People Sick?

    3. His Will Is Healing

    4. Study Questions: Chapter Five

About this Course

  • $25.00
  • 69 lessons
  • Community Chat


A Chance to Learn from Generals of the Faith

For too long the body of Christ has ignored the prior teachings on healing of great generals of the faith like Norvel Hayes and Dr. Lester Sumrall. In this course, you will get to learn what they knew about the subject of healing and how you can apply those teachings to your own life!

  • Norvel Hayes

    “There is only one way that the things of God will be manifested for you and your family: by faith, by your confession of the Scriptures. Are you willing to make God’s Word the foundation of your believing? If you do, God won’t fail you.”

  • Dr. Lester Sumrall

    "I know success or failure in my life or ministry does not depend on my own skill or even on external circumstances, it depends only on my faithfulness. God will give me the gifts necessary to do whatever He calls me to do, and He will not be hindered in His work by circumstances."

  • T.L. Osborn

    "How can we call ourselves a church and not believe in healing and in miracles? I cannot read four pages anywhere in the Bible without encountering miracles! And the God of the Bible is the same today!"

Pricing Options

For $25, you can enroll in our Special Edition of Healing School. If you would like to sow an additional seed for a total of $50, select option two so that we can "Pay It Forward" for those without the funds to take this course. For both options, you will receive access to the Special Edition of Healing School. Thank you for your willingness to bless others!

Want to Leave a Review?

To leave a review, reach 100% completion in this course. Then click "Rate This Course" on the course card in your student dashboard.

5 star rating


Carrie Land

I feel I am finally receiving breakthrough for the questions I have had for a long time. This course is helping me to open my eyes and gain confidence with w...

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I feel I am finally receiving breakthrough for the questions I have had for a long time. This course is helping me to open my eyes and gain confidence with what I feel the Lord has been saying to me for a long time also. I thank you for creating this God-honoring course and thank you Lord most of all for guiding me to it. I will praise and worship you all the days of my life.

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5 star rating

How To Heal The Sick by Frances Hunter

Emma Lee

God can use just common ordinary people to heal the sick. He will not use lukewarm or people who have sin in their lives. We are not to be limited by our fin...

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God can use just common ordinary people to heal the sick. He will not use lukewarm or people who have sin in their lives. We are not to be limited by our finite minds what God will do through us.

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    Yes, of course! As long as the course you are taking does not have an ending date, then anytime you would like to view a course you have already taken you will have access to it in your student dashboard on

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    Yes, to do that you have to log in to your student account and select your name on the top right. Then, in the dropdown menu, select "My Account." Upon doing this, you will see "Notifications" on the left. Click "Notifications" and then uncheck the box to the left of the description to stop receiving those notifications. Finally, click "Save Changes."