Pricing Options

For $29, you can register for our monthly payment plan. For $239, you can register for our yearly payment plan. No matter which plan you choose, you will have access to many of our most popular eCourses, community chats, and more! We hope to see you in our community!

Bundle Includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle. Also included in your bundle is an engaging community of like minded believers to help you grow in your faith journey.

An Opportunity to Become an Encounter Today Student

By purchasing this bundle you will have access to the following: four of Encounter Today's eCourses, the Encounter Today Student Community Chat where you can tell us your prayer requests, receive invitations to zooms with special guests, and more!

  • Community Chat

    Do you ever wish you had someone to tell your prayer requests, someone you knew would pray and believe in faith with you no matter how busy they were? This course is for you! In this eCourse bundle, you will have access to a community chat with other students and instructors!

  • Q&A Community Chat

    In the Student Community Chat you will have access to a question and answer chat space where you can ask any questions about the content you are learning in our eCourses! There is also a space available in this community for introducing yourself and getting to know your peers!

  • Meet Fellow Believers

    Not only will you have access to all of our eCourses by subscribing to our monthly or yearly plan for the Encounter Today Student Community Bundle, but you will also be able to meet your fellow students and chat about what you are studying and believing for! We hope to "meet" you soon!

Pricing Options

For $29, you can register for our monthly payment plan. For $239, you can register for our yearly payment plan. No matter which plan you choose, you will have access to many of our most popular eCourses, chats, and more! We hope to see you in our community!

Have Questions?

If you have a question not listed here, feel free to email [email protected].

  • If I am a returning student, how do I log in?

    All you have to do is click the "I already have an account button" on the "create an account" page.

  • How do I login to a course I'm already enrolled in?

    The easiest way to log in to a course is to go to Then, click "Sign In" at the top of the page in the upper right-hand corner. If you are already signed in, click "My Dashboard."

  • If I have already viewed a lesson in a course, can I go back to it?

    Yes, of course! As long as the course you are taking does not have an ending date, then anytime you would like to view a course you have already taken you will have access to it in your student dashboard on

  • Can I turn off my weekly reminders for the courses I am enrolled in?

    Yes, to do that you have to log in to your student account and select your name on the top right. Then, in the dropdown menu, select "My Account." Upon doing this, you will see "Notifications" on the left. Click "Notifications" and then uncheck the box to the left of the description to stop receiving those notifications. Finally, click "Save Changes."

  • If I end my subscription, how long will I still have access to the eCourses?

    If a student cancels their subscription, they will have access to the course or bundle until the next renewal or billing date occurs and no payment is made, at which time their access will be revoked.